
Our Picturesque Landscape
We evaluate a lot of schemes and projects supported by the National Lottery Heritage Fund.
Our Picturesque Landscape was a landscape-scale scheme made up of 22 projects ranging from access to arts, sustainable tourism to restoring historic monuments. The Clinker Path is one, small project that meant a lot to a community in the Dee Valley.

Citizen-Directed Co-operatives Cymru (CDCC)
This National Lottery Community Fund project was led by Disability Wales and supported by the Wales Co-operative Centre.
We undertook mid-term and final evaluations of this innovative project which sought to raise the profile of Direct Payments in Wales and establish a disabled-people led co‑operative for the benefit of disabled people.

Sustainable Play
Sustainable Play was led by Groundwork Wales in collaboration with Groundwork North Wales and SNAP Cymru.
It was supported by Welsh Government to ‘increase and enhance the accessibility and quality of children’s outdoor play experiences across areas of Wales suffering from high levels of deprivation’. 20 Degrees was commissioned to undertake an independent evaluation of the programme at the interim and final stages.

Future Generations Leadership Academy
The Future Generations Commissioner for Wales established a Leadership Academy.
We evaluated the pilot from the perspectives of the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, delivery partners, participants and their employers.

ION Leadership Programme
We evaluated this ESF-supported programme led by Swansea University in partnership with Bangor University.
It develops leaders of Welsh businesses using a highly participative approach.